Friday, October 11, 2013

Thursday/Friday - Jetlag is a Wonderful Thing

Yesterday was pretty well a bust - I don't do jetlag gracefully. I was met by our workers here, Elliott and Katherine Stotler and son Cason. Pretty much talked incoherently, napped, and talked more incoherently. But slept 10 hours last night. It is midnight now and I'm still up - been working on work stuff (yeah, the office tasks aren't so kind as to just go away because I'm out of the country). Hopefully we'll sleep tonight, although my experience of jetlag is usually something like this:
First day: Sleep like a baby all night, albeit with crazy dreams. Get excited and think maybe I'm already adjusted.
Second day: Feel pretty good. Stay up too late hoping it'll make me sleep all night. Go to sleep, wake up around 2-3am. No chance of going back to sleep. 
Third day: Yeah, 2-3 hours of sleep means I'm toast. Do fine in the morning, start looking glazed by afternoon. Hosts make fun of me as my head droops while we are having serious discussions about ministry. I take a nap. Again stay up later than I should doing work.
Fourth day: Up around 4am. better, but still tired during the day. Jetlag hits in waves - you are sitting there feeling quite normal and all of a sudden a fog just drops.
Fifth day: Up again around 4-5am, but now feeling that I have gained a level of spiritual breakthrough that puts me in league with people like John Wesley and St. Francis. (Well, I don't know about St. Francis, but I'm sure all spiritual giants wake up early. That's bound to be in the Bible somewhere).


Well, blogs should be short and focused, so this one ended up being about jetlag. I promise to write about South Africa tomorrow. Stay tuned - for now I'll just say it is awesome and, like everywhere else, the kids are really cute.

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