Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Day 2 - Paris

I don't think I'll really type daily, but this is another airport entry. About the same time Paris time as it was Atlanta time on the last one - just after 10pm and about 15 minutes from time to board my flight for Johannesburg. Poor me had a 10-hour layover in Paris, so I stored my carry-on and headed on the train to town. Enjoyed a look around Notre Dame. They are celebrating 850 years since its construction began. 850 years! I can't really get my mind around that! As I look up at the incredible architecture, I cannot imagine the technology and infrastructure to build it. Not to mention the labor force (or should I say forced labor?). Anyhow, the result is breathtaking. Anytime I get in a setting with such a long, rich history, it makes me all reflective. I guess for those who live here year round, perhaps this becomes commonplace. I'm sure there is a point I could make regarding that phenomenon, but time to go board, so I'll let the reader draw his/her own point. :) 

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