Monday, October 7, 2013

Can These Old Bones Live?

Well, as I expressed in my initial post (see the left side of the blog page), my ability to be consistent with journaling back in the pre-blogging era has transferred to blogging. It's been over two years since I've posted anything here. So I doubt anyone will be reading this entry since, if they are following me, they either have no life or they have long since wondered what happened to me. But I wanted a buffer in here so it wouldn't look SO lame that the last entry was 2+ years ago since I plan to blog during an upcoming trip to Africa and will invite people to follow along. Maybe they won't notice the gap?

So I've updated my profile; yeah, my profile pic was 8 years old and I have "ripened" since then, and my title has changed as has our family. But otherwise, it's still little ol' me a couple years later ready to try again at this blogging thing. And I do still love ice cream - appropriately the most recent post...

In my defense, I do blog regularly for The Mission Society's blog so that took some of the air out of my creativity. Yeah, right.  

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