Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Day 1 - And we're off!

This will be a short initial entry. I'm at the Atlanta airport about 10:15pm awaiting my flight. Actually I'm supposed to board in about 15 minutes, so this needs to be very short! Amazingly, I did most my packing yesterday, so today ended up being a fairly relaxed day. Usually I put off packing until the day of departure and usually departure is by mid-afternoon at the latest. So I had a whole day. Shawn and I had a lovely time since both had blocked it out for the trip and had nothing scheduled. We enjoyed a new restaurant, took our dog Lizzy on a 4-mile walk, and had time to just chat. Maybe we should schedule unscheduled time more often. Next stop Paris, then Johannesburg, then Durban. If all goes well I'll get there sometime, but to be honest, I really haven't done the math to figure out exactly when that will be!

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