Sunday, April 20, 2008

Paraguay Travel Log - April 13-18

My final few days in Paraguay consisted primarily of meeting with our missionaries. I come away from the trip with a great respect for the caliber of people we have working there. They serve in diverse ways - teaching in a seminary, drilling water wells, teaching at a Christian school for expats, working in a poor community, developing children's ministry, construction, etc. All do it with passion for the people. In the image to the right, missionary Alica Grey prays with an elderly woman who lives in a small 1-room squatters shack, about the size of a typical living room.

My meeting Tuesday with Pablo and Claudette went very well. Pablo serves as president of the Methodist denomination and his wife the educational work. They have served from the beginning. We had a good discussion about the future - vision and challenges - and how our missionaries can assist.

I enjoyed being hosted by the Carrick family this trip. They have really made Paraguay their home, speaking Spanish fluently, navigating the nutty traffic, and building close friendships with the people. Their three teenaged kids are delightful. By the end, I was even friends with the two enormous dogs they own. On my first day, I think they wanted me for an afternoon snack, but by the end I was able to pet them.

The challenges of our work in Paraguay along with the Methodist church there is to keep finding ways to share the faith with the people that will address their lives. Many are very poor. The risks of unhealthy dependency are very great in church work, especially with the abundance of mission teams who come with good motivations, but sometimes with money and attitudes that end up disempowering the local folks. But the church is established and will grow as people live out the grace and truth that is the Gospel.

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