Sunday, April 13, 2008

Paraguay Travel Log - 11 April - Off to the Boonies!

Friday I went (dressed in Christian's shorts and t-shirt and Ian's sandals) with missionaries Ed & Linda Baker and our field leader Christian Dickson to Yrybucau (sp?) - a small town about a 4-hour drive into the interior from Asuncion. It was a chance to see some of the church plants in the more rural area, a school that Christian's wife Angelica directs, the agricultural center the mission is developing, and several of the wells that the Bakers have drilled. There obviously is great need in this area and it was good to see the needs being addressed by the various people in ministry there. I told Ed and Linda that if I had to make a short list of what I've learned in the past year or so of travels with my new role at The Mission Society, somewhere in there would be the importance of water in so much of the world. It is amazing to hear the impact that is made in many parts of the world simply by providing access to water.

When we got back, we had ice cream - which was high on my agenda for this trip. Hopefully not for the last time!

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