Sunday, April 13, 2008

Paraguay Travel Log - 12 April - Celebration!

Today I headed out early with Christian Dickson to visit a church camp run by the Methodist church. We were joined by Mary Jo and her daughter Rebekah Phillips, two fellow Kentuckians who have been engaged with the work in Paraguay for many years. Christian's daughters Camila (9) and Ann Belen (1) were also with us. The camp was great and I had the chance to see the swimming pool that was built using funds from Redwood Christian Park in California, where I'll be speaking in two months.

And we had ice cream on the way home. Wuhoo! Second round. And my luggage arrived - oh happy day.

This evening we attended the big celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Evangelical Methodist Church of Paraguay. I was able to share on behalf of The Mission Society, which has been part of this work from the start. About 1000 people attended from the various Methodist churches that have been planted throughout. (It was really, really hot, but I managed to wear a sports coat and tie in spite of it. I figured that should be worth several spiritual points and earned me another round of ice cream.)

It was good to see the relationship our missionaries here have with the people. Lots of hugging and laughing that made me sense the depth of the history that has been made over these 20 years, and the commitment required by those from all over (Brazilian, Korean, US, Paraguayan) who have been part of the work.

The celebration lasted over 3 hours, ending in a consecration service for four new pastors. We got home late, stopping for empanadas (sp?) on the way home.

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