Monday, September 7, 2009

Can Missionaries Have Fun?

One evening in Kazakhstan after a great team meeting, our kids were playing together with the usual banter. My friend and colleague, the late Joel Duggins, turned to me and said, “I think we’re having way too much fun.” Our years serving in Kazakhstan were full of experiences and times that were really fun – with our family, with our national friends, in our church cell group, with our mission team. We spent a lot of time laughing, enjoying life and enjoying one another. When asked what the most important characteristics are for a missionary, I include sense of humor along with dependency upon God and flexibility as the top three. I sometimes think that people were attracted to the Gospel as much by the enjoyment of life they saw within us as they did by the words we spoke.

I think it is better than it used to be, but somehow there still is that impression that Christian work – especially mission work – consists mainly of “suffering for Jesus.” It comes across as a heavy burden. And one gets the impression that the more miserable the person is, the higher up they are on the spiritual food chain. While Joel’s question was asked in jest, it can make those involved in missions be a bit nervous if they’re having fun! Somehow, I can’t really be doing God’s work if I’m having fun.

This past Sunday, our worship leader Aaron Keyes preached about joy. He did a great job of demonstrating the Biblical mandate for the Christian to have a deep, abiding joy. It’s not option – it’s a command! In fact, Christians should really be known as some of the most joyous, most fun people to be around. It doesn’t just mean that we are party animals. Nor does it belittle the reality of the challenges we may be called to face. But it does reflect a joy that enabled Paul to command us to “rejoice” even when he was in chains (Phil 4:4). “The joy of the Lord is our strength,” Aaron reminded us from Scripture, suggesting that the lack of joy makes us weak.

My experience has been that the phrase “you can’t out give God” is true in all aspects, not just financial. When I give myself fully into His service, He gives me an enjoyment of life that provides a different perspective on circumstances. The love and community He enables us to experience with our brothers and sisters reflect His joy – the result is that we really can expect to have fun together.

Certainly I don’t recommend a person become a missionary simply because it sounds like fun. But rest assured, if God does lead you into full-time, cross cultural ministry, while there will be hardships and challenges, you can also anticipate “having way too much fun” in the midst of it all.

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