Monday, January 19, 2009

Troubled Times

This past week was a tough one. Due to the economic tightening, which unfortunately often hits nonprofits the hardest, we had to lay off 6 people from our office. We had developed such a close-knit team among the staff, so this was especially hard not even considering the additional work load this will mean for those who are left. As hard as it was, I am so thankful that it was handled with love and caring - all of us felt God's presence in a very real way that entire day. We've already heard some good things from several of those who are gone about how God is already answering prayers. But either way, we miss them dearly. We fasted and prayed for two months that this could be avoided - yet when the time came and the December numbers were in, there was no doubt that this was necessary to stay afloat until things pick back up a bit.

So one wonders, "What is God up to?" A person could get pretty bogged down in theological questions. Did God will this? Did this happen because someone wasn't being obedient in their giving? Did this happen because somebody on Wall Street was greedy? Did this happen so that those laid off would be given new opportunities? Did this happen because the media has freaked everyone out? I guess we could drive ourselves crazy trying to answer such questions. I think the asking is normal any time there is pain, disappointment, suffering, or tragedy. When Jesus was asked a similar question about why the man was blind, due to his sins or the sins of his parents, He basically said, "Neither. So that God could be glorified."

Does God cause such things in order to be glorified? Well, I'm not going to touch that one or I'll be guaranteed a flood of e-mails! What I can know for sure is that God desires to be and can be glorified in any situation. He can be glorified in each of the lives of those laid off. He can be glorified in The Mission Society as we try to regroup and move forward. He can be glorified in the lives of those who have lost houses in this economic crunch as well as in the lives of those who have managed to hold on. The question is, will we look to Him?

A few months ago, my colleague at the Mission Society - Darrell - shared something he had noticed when in China. When people in America pray in times of difficulty, we usually pray for intervention - for God to protect us or change the situation. I can assure you, that's how I was praying last month regarding the possibilities of layoffs! But Darrell noticed that when the Chinese pray, they pray that God will enable them to be faithful in the situation. They've had corrupt governments for centuries - emperors, conquerors, communists. They really don't expect that to change - it's part of the landscape in a fallen world. But in Christ, they fully anticipate God to redeem each situation in their lives.

I've reflected a lot on that over the months. The question is not so much "Why did all this happen?" The question is, "Will we be submissive to God in the midst of it and seek to see Him glorified in us and in the situation." Sometimes He does His best work when folks respond with that level of submission to Him, submitting even the questions of "why me - why us?"

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