Monday, May 12, 2008

Bragging Time - I mean "objective evaluation of your child" Time

OK, I won't normally use this blog to brag on my kids - but when a guy's daughter graduates from college and has professors gushing to him about what a great student she is, it's hard to think about much else. This weekend Shawn, Naomi, and I went up to Houghton, New York to attend Rebekah's college graduation. She majored in history. Last week, she completed her final assignment - a 70-page senior seminar paper which she also had to defend before a committee of professors. The topic - the transformation of the Kazakh culture from a nomadic people to Soviet citizens. This is very painful period of oppression and forced cultural change among the Kazakh people of Central Asia.

I'll let interested readers ask Rebekah for the text, but it is such a joy to see her, having grown up in Kazakhstan, use that experience and interest to understand the culture better. I could include all the comments her advising professors said about her paper and presentation, but that might sound like I'm bragging. I could wax on about how blessed I was to see the deep friendships Rebekah has developed with some really great young people, about the love and respect I see people have for her, and just generally about what an incredible young woman she is, but, I'll avoid that. You just gotta be careful about people thinking you are biased about your own children....

Anyhow, we are very proud of her accomplishments and eagerly await how God will continue to work in her and through her in the coming years.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I would actually love to read a copy of Rebekah's senior paper.