Sunday, October 19, 2008

Praying for Us - They Really Mean It!

Last weekend Shawn, Rebekah, and I traveled down to Tallahassee to visit the folks at Killearn United Methodist Church. This church, and particularly a women's fellowship group, have been supporting us and praying for us since we first started preparing to go to Kaz back in 1995. They invited us down to help kick off a day of service they were doing in the community, then share with them in their worship services on Sunday (4 services, no less).

It was truly a joy to be with them and see the enthusiasm of the people who turned out on a Saturday to go out and serve. But the greatest blessing was the number of women from the fellowship group who came up to us - many had never even met us - and asked knowingly about our family and ministry. They had been praying for us. One woman - Mrs Dorothy, is 91 years old. She asked very specifically about things I had shared about in newsletters many months ago. She asked about each of our children, again knowing what they were up to, remembering what we've shared about them over the years.

We've had this experience before, but it always humbles me when we meet others who say they pray for us and really mean it. It is truly the lifeline of all people - would that we all prayed for one another with that same fervor that we as missionaries are blessed to receive.